
Saturday, March 2, 2013

              GUI programming with PYGTK #1 - Getting started

What is PYGTK?

PYGTK is a tool that lets you create programs with graphical interface using Python programming language. It contains GTK+ library which has wide range of visual elements that can be used to develop full featured applications which can be run on various platforms viz, windows, Linux, MacOS X unmodifies.


It's easy to learn, easy to use and most importantly it's FREE. You can even use, modify, distribute and study it.

How to install PYGTK?

For LINUX platforms:

Python and PYGTK are already installed in the system if you are a LINUX user. However if you are unable to locate PYGTK follow the below steps

1) Connect to the Internet
2) Open up a new 'Terminal' window ( /Applications/Utilities/Terminal)
3) Type the following commands in the terminal window

            $ sudo apt-get update
            $ sudo apt-get install python-gtk2-doc
4) Done. Now you have PYGTK in you system

For Windows platforms

If you do not have python in your system firstly you will have to download it online using the following link (python version 2.7.3)

To get the PYGTK, GTK+ library and other useful modules namely PyCairo, PyGObject go to the following link and download the relevent items. When downloading the above modules keep in mind to download the versions compatible with the version of Python installed in your system.
That's it for now. It's time to have fun using PYGTK :). Cheers :)